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What is the price of wifedoge (wifedoge)?

The current price of Wifedoge (WIFEDOGE) is $0.0000 with a trading volume of $18 674 in the last 24 hours. All prices are in USD. Last updated: 31467 minutes ago.

What is the best exchange to buy wifedoge?

If you are looking to buy or sell Wifedoge, PancakeSwap (v2) is currently the most active exchange. What was the highest price for Wifedoge? Wifedoge hit an all time high of $0.000000000174 on Sep 06, 2021 (12 months). What was the lowest price for Wifedoge? Wifedoge had an all time low of $0.000000000000 on Nov 23, 2021 (9 months).

How to track Your wifedoge (wifedoge) transaction?

Visit for more information about Wifedoge and which wallet to use for storing WIFEDOGE tokens. You can use this block explorer to track the balance of an address and all the transactions. The current price of Wifedoge (WIFEDOGE) is $0.0000 with a trading volume of $18 674 in the last 24 hours.

How many wifedoge coins are there in circulation?

It has a circulating supply of 0 WIFEDOGE coins and a total supply of 747 Quadrillion. If you are looking to buy or sell Wifedoge, PancakeSwap (v2) is currently the most active exchange. What was the highest price for Wifedoge? Wifedoge hit an all time high of $0.000000000174 on Sep 06, 2021 (12 months). What was the lowest price for Wifedoge?

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